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Inkscape посмотреть больше Affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download Designer are both vector-based alternatives to Adobe Illustrator — the industry standard in vector design software.

This post is somewhat of a follow up to a YouTube video I made a couple of years ago reacting to Affinity Designer for the first time as a long-time Inkscape user. In the video I shared my thoughts and first impressions of the software as someone who has been using Inkscape professionally for over a decade.

Well, over the past couple of years I have been using Affinity Designer a lot! Continue on for a complete breakdown of all the main differences between Inkscape and Affinity Designer. Inkscape is a free and Affinith Source vector graphics editor. It serves as a low-cost no cost alternative to Adobe Illustrator.

Inkscape — developed and maintained as a labor of love by a dssigner of volunteers — allows you to create your own vector graphics illstrator edit vector files in its native SVG format. Vector graphicsunlike pixel-based graphics, are made of coordinate points that dictate the properties downlod a design element on an X and Y axis.

The benefit of working with vectors is that it allows you to create drawings with clean lines that can be affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download up infinitely. Affinity Designer is a commercial design application developed by Serif. Much like Inkscape, Affinity Designer is a vector graphics editor. However, Affinity Designer also has a pixel-based photo editor built in, allowing you to not just work in a vector environment, but edit photos as well!

This is a feature that is unique to Affinity Designer. No other major design application on the market currently has a vector and raster editor built in. Because of this, Affinity Designer is somewhat of a 2-in-1 design solution. It would be like combining Photoshop and Illustrator into one app. The biggest and most afvinity advantage Inkscape has over Affinity Designer is that it has a lower barrier to entry.

The biggest feature-based advantage Inkscape has over Affinity Designer is its ability to warp основываясь на этих данных distort paths:. This, in my opinion, disqualifies Affinity Designer as a affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download that can be used for logo design or any kind of serious vector illustration for that matter. Without the ability to make these kinds of transformations, Affinity Designer takes a back seat to Inkscape.

Unlike Affinity Dowmload, Inkscape has the ability to make vector halftone patterns via the cloning feature:. Halftones are sort of like a dot pattern that transitions like a gradient. In Affinity Designer, there is no such feature that will allow you to generate these patterns.

Inkscape, however, has the ability to do so. Affinity Designer and Inkscape are quite similar in terms of working with на этой странице. Each application allows you affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download make various types of gradients, including:. The difference here between Inkscape vs Affinity Designer is that Inkscape allows you to create mesh gradients. Mesh gradients are gradients where the colors are laid out on a grid:.

The Pen Tool functions the same in either application, but Inkscape affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download with more Pen Tool modes to choose from, such as drawing Spiro paths. In addition, the BSpline setting functions somewhat as a pen tool with training wheels, allowing you to draw with precision without having to endure the steep learning curve of the regular pen tool.

Simply put, Inkscape offers more options for aligning and distributing your design elements. This is apparent just by comparing the align menus of each. This can become tedious and frustrating when working on big projects diwnload lots of objects.

One of the more frustrating aspects of working with Affinity Designer is the snapping controls. Inkscape, on the other hand, is a different story. Inkscape allows you to:. Inkscape makes this process easier than any other. Affinity Designer has no such ability.

Earlier on we touched frre Inkscape having the ability to make more advanced transformations to objects, affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download as perspective and envelope deformations. In addition to that, Inkscape allows you to make even more advanced transformations via the Path Illusteator menu:.

The Path Effects menu in Inkscape is an assortment of advanced transformations you can make to a vector path, including:. Affinity Designer falls even further behind Inkscape in this regard, making it clear that if you plan on creating any kind of advanced vector illustrations, Inkscape is the way to go.

The marquee advantage that Affinity Designer has over Deigner and pretty much every other graphic design application for that matter is that it combines both vector and raster image editing abilities. No other design software does this, making Affinity Designer an innovative and unique tool. Having the ability to toggle between these two design environments to edit a single file is so much more convenient than exporting your designs and having to switch back and forth between apps.

Eownload thing I really like about Affinity Designer is that it lets you have multiple affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download open at a time via the tabbing system just above the workspace:.

Inkscape, on the affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download hand, can only work with a single document at a time. Working with multiple documents in Inkscape will mean having multiple application windows open at a time.

This is something that is typically only found in pixel-based photo editing applications. However, in Affinity Designer affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download can читать далее pixel-based adjustment layers to vector objects! This means that you can do things like make an object black and white, adjust its color curves, invert its colors, adjust its brightness and contrast, shadows and highlights, and more.

And since adjustment layers are non-destructive, you can easily disable these edits at any point. And I must say, I have really taken a liking to it!

One of the most frustrating aspects of using Inkscape is having to work with text — especially large affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download of text. The Text and Font menu is regularly downloav to preview third-party fonts correctly, and if you have too many fonts installed then Inkscape will slow down and sputter regardless of your hardware. Working with text in Affinity Designer, on the other hand, is a refreshing change of pace.

All of the fonts display as intended, and browsing through them will not revdit your system. Simply open the dropdown menu and hover your cursor over the list to generate a preview. Like when wrapping text around a circle, for example:. When placing text on a path in Affinity Designer, you are provided handles that allow you to dictate the start and end point point of the affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download, and whether the text flows inside or outside of the path.

Inkscape, on the other hand, makes this process much more difficult. There are no on-canvas handles for adjusting the text on the path, and no other way to больше информации the text aside from rotating the object and putting empty spaces in the text. Another area where Affinity Designer is easier to work with than Inkscape is when it comes to making clipping paths and layer masks. Clipping paths are when you take one object and use it as a fill property for another object.

Layer masks allow you to make certain parts of an image transparent in a non-destructive way:. Affinity Designer makes this process easier than any other application by allowing you to simply drop one layer on top of another layer to create a clipping mask:. The reason why is because Affinity Designer нажмите для деталей paint brushes built in:. Inkscape has no such feature. Affinity Читать далее comes packed with dozens of brushes and styles to pick from and work with.

In addition to all of the other features that Affinity Designer has, it also has some handy tools that will make your life much easier as a vector designer than it would as an Inkscape user. One such example would be the Contour Affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free downloadwhich allows you to offset a path using on-canvas handles:.

Or the Vector Crop Tool — which frew on-canvas handles for quickly cropping images:. Both of нажмите для продолжения things can be done in Inkscape, of course, but these dedicated tools make for a much more efficient workflow in Designer. One of читать далее most powerful tools Reddti Designer has to offer is its Isometric Tool :.

This tool allows you to take a flat 2D object and place it on illustrato side of a three-sided cube to create an isometric effect:. Instead, it links you to the online directories of Pexels and Pixabay — two websites where you can download free stock photos.

Normally, you would have to download these images and import or paste them onto your document. However, the Stock menu allows you to search these sites for stock photos and import them into your workspace directly within the software!

By default, Inkscape uses the RGB format, which is fine when designing things for digital displays, but will create a muddy and inaccurate composition when printed. Affinity Designer users can rest easy knowing that the software comes with the ability to assign various color profiles, including both RGB and CMYK varieties. Another area where Affinity Designer outshines Inkscape is in its ability to save your work as a multi-page document.

The entire Inkscape application, by contrast, functions as just a single document. Anything that you save or render in Inkscape will be saved as a single page.

Making multi-page PDF documents, for example, is not possible in Inkscape without outside help. This can be really useful when creating logo variations for a client, il,ustrator designing the user interface for an app, for example. Inkscape users, on the other hand, are left in the dark without an equivalent. Another advantage that cannot be overlooked is how much more stable Affinity Designer is than Inkscape.

There are various tools and features in the software that you cannot find documentation for, which can be frustrating. This is affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download due to the fact that Designer is a готов word for pc windows 10 очень product with commercial support behind it. Qffinity reason for this is because Affinity Designer lacks the ability to make some of the more advanced transformations you would make to a vector object, such as perspective, envelope distortions, and warping.

These edits are quite common when designing logos and icons, and not being able to make them would be just too much of a handicap as a logo designer. Tying in with the previous point about Affinity Designer being unable to make advanced affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download to vector objects, this also means that Inkscape would be preferable when making any kind of vector illustrations.

A good example of this would be when drawing rooms, houses and buildings:. Affinity designer vs illustrator reddit free download the ability to change the perspective of design elements among other transformations, Affinity Designer cannot be taken seriously as a vector illustration tool.

Instead, Designer is better suited for simple illustrations and common edits to vector files. Finally, Inkscape would be the tool of choice if you are a Linux user. In my experience, Inkscape tends to be more stable and less buggy when using it on a Linux desktop. Edits include:.



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